maintenance sched - email marketing

Don't let your business run you!...
Save Time!... Save Money!... Increase Revenue!

automated emails pricing - how much does it cost


Free Trial Bronze Silver Gold
60 Day Trial

(No Credit Card required)
6 Shedules

250 Customers

500 Customers

750 Customers

1000 Customers
12 Shedules

250 Customers

500 Customers

750 Customers

1000 Customers
18 Shedules

250 Customers

500 Customers

750 Customers

1000 Customers

Need more than 1000 customers. No problem, please Contact Us for a custom Plan.

Prices In CAD.
* Each schedule can be programmed to send emails up to 6yrs in the future.
** Each schedule may set 6 sending events per year.
*** Each event may send 1 or 2 reminders.

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maintenance sched - automated email reminders